SANTS’ students, class of 2024
January 29, 2024
Dear SANTS Student,

As we stand on the threshold of a brand-new year, we want to extend our sincere wishes to each one of you. 2024 will ask of you resilience, dedication, and commitment to your studies as a self-directed student; studying in the distance mode.

To all students in the different years:

First-year students, welcome to SANTS and we hope that this year will be an enriching experience; settling in and understanding what it means to be a distance learning student. We hope that you will enjoy your first Workplace Integrated Learning (WIL) period; learning how to teach and engage with learners in the classroom. Learners need hope and they need someone to believe in them.
Second-year students, congratulations on completing your first year and we hope that you will now have a better idea about the unique demands of distance learning. We hope that you will enjoy the WIL period as you know what to expect from the school and what SANTS expects of you. As a student teacher, you will experience that learners shine when you are there for them.
Third-year students, congratulations on passing your second year! We hope you will enjoy your WIL as you have by now many innovative ideas for your lesson planning and presentation. Be courageous, think outside the box, and never give up on yourselves or your learners. For the Diploma in Grade R Teaching students, this is your final year and we hope that this year will be rewarding. When you do your WIL you will touch the hearts and enrich the minds of the young learners you meet.
Fourth-year students, congratulations on passing your third year! We hope that you will make the best of this final year. We hope that you will share your gained knowledge with the learners to make a difference in their lives in preparation for an empowered life.
Please study and familiarise yourself with the following important information available on MySANTS:

Student Orientation Booklet: This booklet provides valuable information and guidelines to make your studies enjoyable and successful.
MySANTS Student Manual: Your go-to guide for understanding the ins and outs of our online platform. It’s an invaluable tool to help you stay connected and organized throughout your studies.
Academic Calendar: This document outlines important dates and deadlines for the semester. Make sure to keep it handy to stay on top of your academic commitments.
Set your goals high, and with each small step, you’re one step closer to achieving them. Take pride in your SANTS journey, and celebrate your successes that come from hard work, enthusiasm and dedication.

Best regards

Prof Ina Joubert

SANTS: Executive Academic Director